Metal Gear Solid 2 Pc ##BEST## Download

Metal Gear Solid 2 Pc ##BEST## Download


Metal Gear Solid 2 Pc Download

On August 28, 2008, Konami released a supplemental book featuring behind-the-scenes information on the development of Metal Gear Solid 2 and the integration of the game design and cinematic arts into life at Kojima Productions. The book contains articles by multiple Kojima Productions staff members, and the chief game designer of Metal Gear Solid 2, who are interviewed together with several of the game’s concept designers. One of the main lessons learned from the design of the game was the importance of circle of life storytelling «the art of showing the player what happens to the hero of the video game outside the game.»[86]

The game features the powerful and intimidating Panther Engine, a direct port of the Metal Gear Solid engine (originally created for Metal Gear Solid) to the PlayStation 2. Although Kojima Productions began production of Metal Gear Solid 2 with the intent of re-using the engine from its predecessor, the development team encountered significant technical difficulties while trying to make the game compatible with new game hardware. To help deal with some of this new technology, the development team created and optimized several new tools and algorithms to help port the game without creating additional problems. For instance, the game used a non-linear pathfinding algorithm to help players avoid enemies, and another algorithm to allow the developers to place multiple characters on the same ground plane and still be able to interact with one another. It also uses a new lighting system that utilizes shadows and shadowing to achieve a more realistic atmosphere and improve the game’s graphics, resulting in one of the most realistic looking games in the series. The game’s graphics also include a new modeling system based on that of the Halo series (used to model clothing), which allows the game to feature more complex clothing designs and body shapes than previous entries in the series. Finally, the game’s art assets were given a subtle yet important adjustment to further improve the game’s realism and aesthetic. For instance, the game’s character models are scaled down from their original sizes to fit the game system. As a result, players will never be able to see Snake’s navel, and Snake’s face will be slightly thinner. In addition, the game’s character models are retextured and shaded to achieve the same realistic appearance as the game’s backgrounds. On top of this visual improvement, the game’s character animations were also redesigned to look more realistic.
