Call Of Duty 4 Level 55 Hack 1.8 Patch With Lucky Patcher Extra Quality

Call Of Duty 4 Level 55 Hack 1.8 Patch With Lucky Patcher Extra Quality


Call Of Duty 4 Level 55 Hack 1.8 Patch With Lucky Patcher

Some of you might have noticed the new Tutorials in Game. To run them you press the new Menu Button by default, or simply look in the top right corner of the Game. It is now Multiplayer by default, and if you switch to single player the first time you start up it will ask if you want to set that to Multiplayer. It’s waiting for your approval! We’ve tweaked the Tutorial system a little here and there to make sure its flows more smoothly, might be a bit hard to find, but we figured it would be nicest for everyone.

No more Grim19! Nah, he didn’t make the cut for the FTP transition to 1.8. He chose to stay with the 1.7 server, but we’ve given him his own dedicated server to play on! Other than that two other 1.7 players were added, a Rich1 (whose name I forgot to change), and a D4rty89, Both of which won the Frotz tournament sky-high, so we don’t expect them to be too difficult. Of course you can now find them by looking at the drop tables when you first get into the matchmaking server, and we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! It’s always a great time for us–hope you guys enjoy it!

First of all, we’re giving you a quick (and small) 1.8 Patch today to let you know we’re in the final stages of transition. We have 6 days to go–or not at all. Either way, we’ve removed some bugs, but the main part is we’ve updated the patch-file with most of the latest patches to give you the best game possible. All this is accompanied by our new « Finish Campaign » button. Unlocked Multiplayer will give you access to the first mission, Days of War.
